I Dreamed a Dream – What’s your Dream?
What’s your Dream?
In April 2009, a UK TV Talent Show, ‘Britian’s Got Talent’, allowed 48 year old spinster Susan Boyle to realise her dream to be a professional singer by singing in front of a live audience.
What’s your Dream?
– to retire early?
– to live abroad?
– to spend more time with the family?
– to set up and run your own business?
Here’s how you can achieve your dreams.
A dream is more likely to happen if you write it down:
Dream – Do you have a dream chart? Is this up to date and current? Have you have updated the pictures or statements for the items that you have already achieved?
Are you – Idealising, Visualising, Verbalising and Materialising aspects of your Dreams? Do you do affirmations and visualisations twice a day…
Goal – Do you have a list of your 101 Goals? Are these listed in priority or at least dated as to when you are going to achieve these? Make them a certainty by planning when you are going to do these and what resources you need e.g. money(if any) to do these. Putting the acquisition of the required resource into your plans then focuses you on providing that resource so you can achieve your goals.
Plan – Have a 90 Day Plan every quarter, that identifies what you are going to do, to generate the business, that will provide you with the resources to achieve your goals. Your plan must include the expected outcome of your weekly, monthly and quarterly activities. Your plan must also have identified the performance indicators in your daily tasks that are linked to your actionable metrics / key performance indicators that are measured at least daily. Staying focused on your actionable metrics gives you the focus you need every day to ‘Do’.
Do – You now just need to do what your plan tells you to do. You need to have the focus, discipline and commitment to actually do it.